I need help understanding Relationships between objects

Kent Hervey 3 years ago 0

I purchased and have read and re-read the section on Relations Between objects. 

I need more examples or sources to understand...especially these:

Depen­den­cy: Class А can be affect­ed by changes in class B.
Asso­ci­a­tion: Object А knows about object B. Class A depends on B.
Aggre­ga­tion: Object А knows about object B, and con­sists of B. Class A depends on B.
Com­po­si­tion: Object А knows about object B, con­sists of B, and man­ages B’s life cycle. Class A depends on B.
Imple­men­ta­tion: Class А defines meth­ods declared in inter­face B. Objects A can be treat­ed as B. Class A depends on B.”

Excerpt From
Dive Into Design Patterns
Alexander Shvets
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